Thursday, October 15, 2009

Obolo vs MyFoodSirens

Something nearly as interesting (but not as interesting cos it directly concerns me) than the residency issue - myfoodsirens being threatened by obolo! Look here(today online) and here (soshiok). It's even covered in mypaper (those people who can read Chinese go here). mypaper seems quite 'interesting' - wasn't this the paper which covered the xiaxue vs dawn yang saga too? (completely missed that one)
the article on soshiok looks more like an ad for obolo than anything else! Check out the bit on Obolo's menu right at the end - including their 'special' offer! LOL!! I suppose bad publicity is still publicity... better not say so much wait they want to sue me too! :X
Things like these make my mundane live more interesting...

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